1968 – 1969 Season

About The Play

The Anniversary

by Anton Chekhov

Memorial Day

by Murray Shisgal

The Conquest of Everest

by Arthur Kopit

Review Sketches

by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore

Mr Spiggot
Judging and Mining
The End of the World

DatesNovember 1968 
DirectorMargaret Rose, Peter Bulman
  • Producer

    Norman Galloway

Cast: The Anniversary

Andrey Andreyevich Shipuchin Laird Lockwood
Tatyana, his Wife Debbie Wallace
Kusma Nicolavich Jack Minard
Nastasya Fedoravna Merchutkina Carol Boer
Bank Shareholder other Shareholders Stuart Hellis

Cast: Memorial Day

Mr Almanstar Stuart Hellis
Miss Almanside Audrey Morrish
Chinese Soldier Leigh Perry

Cast: The Conquest of Everest

Mr. Lutz Paul Woodrow
Mrs. Lutz Margaret Rose

Cast: Review Sketches


Mr Spiggot Doug Huggins, Paul Woodrow
Cha-Cha-Cha Jack Minard, Leigh Perry, Doug Huggins
Judging and Mining Doug Huggins
The End of the World Doug Huggins, Jack Minard, Leigh Perry, Laird Lockwood


Assistant Producer Jean Bulman
Set Design Doug Huggins, Scotti Perry
Stage Manager Ivy Carmichael
Costumes Pat Minard, Val Kelman
Properties Nancy Siver, Rita Potter
Lighting Gary Garbutt
Sound Jim Wright
Publicity Gwen Learey
Programmes Lorraine Galloway
Box Office Rita Coe
House Rosalie Gower
Make up Norma Jones
First Night Loretta Chayba

Production Photos